Ditching the See-Saw: Embracing the Duality of What Matters and What’s Important for you.

Being person centred and person centred support often has been described like a see-saw, the need for balance between the things that matter to us (important to) and the things that are essential for our health, well-being and safety (important for). I remember showing this see-saw image in my set presentations. An imbalance on the sea-saw shows ‘health and safety dictating lifestyle’ while the converse imbalance shows ‘all choice and no responsibility.’ I think on reflection I’ve got this wrong. I now lean into the thinking of Frederic Laloux and his slightly paraphrased quote ‘it’s not about making everything equal in its power but to make everything fully present and powerful’.

So, when we use the see saw thinking, health and safety dictates our lifestyle - does what matters to us get smaller or have less value? For me, no! The things that matter, still matter. They do not lose their power, worth or value. If I focus on ‘all choice’   I don’t think that keeping me healthy, safe and secure  diminishes to ‘no responsibility’. There’s a need for both to be fully present to live full lives. It’s not binary, it’s not one or the other, it’s not a continuum, it’s both. A great expression of this is the organisation Kingdoms Support; Great Support, Great Lives. Four words that make sense in this context.

So it’s not about balancing the see-saw of what matters to you and what’s important for you. It is not about choosing one over the other. It’s about recognising the necessity of both and weaving them into the fabric of your daily life and the support you may receive.  I hope that individuals and organisations embrace this duality to lead a life that is not only safe and healthy but also rich with meaning and joy.

Jon Ralphs

Jon is an independent consultant with over 25 years of experience in Health and Social Care. He combines his Clinical Management and Fine Art degrees to offer creative and engaging training and facilitation.

As a young teenager, Jon volunteered at a long stay hospital for people with learning disabilities, sparking his interest in this field. In his professional career, he has worked as a Senior Staff Nurse, Community Nurse, Clinical Nurse Specialist and a Service Manager.

During the 2000’s he became passionate about combining his Fine Art and Clinical Management degrees and became a Person Centred Planning coordinator. Jon developed his skills in MAPs and PATHs and is renowned for his graphic recording, graphic facilitation and illustrations (which have been widely used in government and professional publications). Jon has used his unique facilitation and training skills to deliver national programmes such as Valuing People, Valuing People Now and Preparing for Adulthood. Jon providers bespoke person centred training and facilitation. He uses his coaching certificate to provide 1:1 online support for people with additional needs. Jon is equally passionate about making a difference in his local area and supports local charities such as Carers MK.